Career Advice

Administration Assistant Careers
The office environment of today is a constantly busy and fast-moving place. Employees must be constantly on the move in order to process information, fill orders, ship out products and pay bills. Every decision and every action by employees of a business depend upon numerous details being taken care of, including ordering supplies and answering phones, contacting vendors, scheduling meetings, and many other tasks. In the middle of all this activity, it is the administration assistant who attends to the details, tracks any loose ends, and generally keeps business operations running smoothly. Click here to learn more about Administrative Assistant Careers.
Benefits Administration Careers
Benefits Administration is a growth area in the U.S. and job forecasts look good for future career opportunity. Benefit Administrators create and manage compensation packages for their employer and are typically college graduates with work experience and sometimes professional certification.
Demand for Benefits Administration talent is expected to continue to increase. The reason for this is both the need to replace workers who have left the industry due to retirement and the creation of new jobs. A review of current benefits administration job opportunities show that both in house and outsourced benefit professionals are needed. Click here to learn more about Benefits Administration Careers.
Business Administration Careers
The modern business environment requires constant monitoring and informed decision-making in order to function at peak efficiency. Both the day-to-day processes needed for normal operation and projects aimed at improving the business depend on the efforts of leaders and planners with strong organizational skills and familiarity with every aspect of the corporate world. This coordination is at the core of business administration jobs. Business administrators are responsible for making sure that the details are taken care of in an organization. Click here to learn more about Business Administration Careers.
Contract Administration Careers
The world of businesses operates on the principles of competition and cooperation. Contracts are a crucial component in the efforts of a company to effectively interact with other organizations while managing expectations, risk, and uncertainty. A person employed in a contract administration job may be involved in several different aspects of the business process.
In addition to the private sector, contract administration jobs also exist in governmental and educational institutions to monitor adherence to rules and regulations that govern the legal and financial operations of the public sector. Click here to learn more about Contract Administration Careers.
Healthcare Administration Careers
Healthcare Administration is a fairly young industry. The first graduate program in Healthcare Administration was established at the University of Chicago in 1934. In the years since then, the field has become well established and gained growing recognition and respect.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Healthcare Administration industry is growing faster than average and is expected to increase by double digits for years to come. Along with the industry growth, Healthcare Administration jobs will become both more plentiful and more diversified. Shortages in qualified nurses and other healthcare personnel, the rising costs of medical care and health insurance, and the rapidly aging American population present additional challenges. Click here to learn more about Healthcare Administration Careers.
Medical Administration Careers
There are few professional environments as exciting, demanding, and rewarding as the health care industry. From hospital emergency rooms treating accident victims in critical condition to preventative care centers keeping community members free from colds and influenza, the field of health care brings together millions of people and tremendous amounts of resources to safeguard the life and well-being of friends, neighbors, and people around the world. Learn more about Medical Administration Careers.
Public Administration Careers
Public administration jobs involve the development and implementation of government policy. Many occupations found in the private sector are also available within governments at the federal, local and state level. Public administration careers focus on jobs that are done within a government and public administration context.
Public administration tries to focus on economy, efficiency, and equity. Public administrators review information and implement public policy. These managers are in charge of resources, safety inspections, monitoring possible illegal activity, and overall act as guardians of the public interest. Click here to learn more about Public Administration Careers.
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