Advertise attracts career seekers looking for employment in businesses, government and non-profit organizations. This targeted audience is pursuing careers in benefits administration, contract administration, healthcare administration, or public administration . Advertising on this site gives you access to a highly targeted demographic.
This is an advertising supported site. If you would like to advertise or provide a sponsored listing, please use our Contact Us form.
Advertising Guidelines:
Square Banner Right ColumnÂ
- 200×200 GIF or JPEG with 40k (maximum) file size.
- Displayed in right column.
- Fee $150 USD per month.
- 25% discount is offered for pre-paid annual sponsorship (12 months).
Skyscraper Right Column
- 160×600 GIF or JPEG with 40k (maximum) file size.
- Displayed in the right column beneath square banner ads.
- Fee is $100 USD per month.
- 25% discount is offered for pre-paid annual sponsorship (12 months).
Additional Specs
- No expanding, floating, pop-up, or in-stream ads.
- No animation or sound.
- Every advertising link includes a no-follow tag.
- ALT tags may contain up to 40 characters (including spaces).
- Ads are available on a first come, first serve basis.
- We reserve the right to reject or cancel any advertising at any time.
- Payment for all insertions must be made in advance via PayPal.
Content of Advertisements
- Advertising must be deemed relevant to our readership and creative approved by this site’s publisher.
- Advertising should not contain material that this site considers to constitute or promote discrimination.
- No adult material, gambling or tobacco advertising will be accepted.
If you would like to advertise or provide a sponsored listing, please use our Contact Us form.